Closed electronic information systems

Based on the 15/05/2024 status, Hunguard Ltd. has issued a total of 1085 pcs. Certificates in the Closed electronic information systems area.

Requirements for closed electronic information systems

To query the Certificates please send an e-mail for the address below. In your e-mail, please give us these information:

  • Your name;
  • Your e-mail address, and the e-mail address to where you would like to receive our answer if it is differs from your e-mail address;
  • The name of the company or organization which Certification you are interested in;
  • The name of product or solution of the company’s or organization’s which certified status you are interested in.

In addition to the above compulsory items, please provide more details about your query to help us:

  • Number of Certification;
  • The purpose of your request.

Please note that from one e-mail address we accept only one query in the same time. We will respond to the query within 3 business days.

You are agree with your query that the data you provide for the query will be stored at Hunguard Ltd. until we receive a cancellation request (or a rerquest for deleting those information).